Tuesday 27 August 2013

Breaking down?

Just felt like writing and share my view on "How to rejuvenate yourself after breaking down whether mentally, emotionally or even spiritually."

Breaking down is part of journey of life. Getting up from breaking down is another story. It is not easy for some who broke down and get back on their track in life. While studying mental health as a nursing student, I realized that we should be aware of Depression and Anxiety which occur frequently.

Do you know who is the greatest doctor? Think.. is it Mr.Tan or Mrs. Ang... (just kidding)
neither them. Is You! yes, you are the greatest doctor for yourself.

We need to be able find our own strength in coping with stress, worries and all the negative auras. Some individual seek treatment from health professionals, which is a good thing to do. Here is how i cope with my own weakness in times of need. I am not a religious person, but I always find strength from my friend.

When I call him, i will feel so peaceful because his peace is beyond any of our own understanding. This friend of my called, Jesus! He lifted my burden and act as a source of strong support. I love him! Yes, when his sudden peace flows in me, everything fades away and that is how i overcome my "storms" in life.

just wanna share this songs with you.

God Bless and have a great week!

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