Sunday 10 March 2013

Does little things MATTER??

Hey Friends! Welcome to my Blog. =)

I hope you will be BLESS after reading this.

 I have a mandatory workshop yesterday and today. In Australia, punctuality is very important and I was 15mins late because of the public bus on weekend do not come that often and not so early(8:20am). Class starts at 9:00am. Is embarrassing when you walked into the class and everyone just turn and look straight at you.

This is a story happened to me today. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, birds chirping in the air as I walked towards a bus stop, where i wait regularly. Fresh air and sunshine make me smile cheerfully. I was ten minutes earlier waiting for the bus around at 8:15am, telling God softly in my heart,"please don't let the bus come late". So I went to check the bus timetable, it shows 8:55am only the next bus pick up. My jaw dropped immediately!

What would you do in this OMG situation?

I was horribly shaken, however i try calming down myself saying, "I will just be late, no big deal~lah". Small MATTER right? So I decided to take those "waiting time" singing praise and worship to the Lord. Never even focus on my problem. Instead allowing my body, soul , spirit worship the Heavenly Daddy. Little did I know that my ABBA FATHER cares for mine little MATTER.

After about 8:35am , there was a car which stop suddenly at the main road. He reversed his car to where I was waiting.The Angel (driver) asked," do you want a ride to the city?" Without hesitation, I said yes! Finally, I manage to get a free ride and able to reach the class just before 9am. Excellent! All glory goes to JESUS!

I just want to encourage everyone of you here, if you have or in any difficult situation, letting go your worries and immerse yourself worshiping Jesus, your little small-big MATTER will be taken care by our Heavenly Father. So, experience the unexpected.

~ CheersMate! ;)

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