Sunday 10 March 2013

Does little things MATTER??

Hey Friends! Welcome to my Blog. =)

I hope you will be BLESS after reading this.

 I have a mandatory workshop yesterday and today. In Australia, punctuality is very important and I was 15mins late because of the public bus on weekend do not come that often and not so early(8:20am). Class starts at 9:00am. Is embarrassing when you walked into the class and everyone just turn and look straight at you.

This is a story happened to me today. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, birds chirping in the air as I walked towards a bus stop, where i wait regularly. Fresh air and sunshine make me smile cheerfully. I was ten minutes earlier waiting for the bus around at 8:15am, telling God softly in my heart,"please don't let the bus come late". So I went to check the bus timetable, it shows 8:55am only the next bus pick up. My jaw dropped immediately!

What would you do in this OMG situation?

I was horribly shaken, however i try calming down myself saying, "I will just be late, no big deal~lah". Small MATTER right? So I decided to take those "waiting time" singing praise and worship to the Lord. Never even focus on my problem. Instead allowing my body, soul , spirit worship the Heavenly Daddy. Little did I know that my ABBA FATHER cares for mine little MATTER.

After about 8:35am , there was a car which stop suddenly at the main road. He reversed his car to where I was waiting.The Angel (driver) asked," do you want a ride to the city?" Without hesitation, I said yes! Finally, I manage to get a free ride and able to reach the class just before 9am. Excellent! All glory goes to JESUS!

I just want to encourage everyone of you here, if you have or in any difficult situation, letting go your worries and immerse yourself worshiping Jesus, your little small-big MATTER will be taken care by our Heavenly Father. So, experience the unexpected.

~ CheersMate! ;)

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Transition from highschool to Uni

Hi Readers!

Today, I am about to write my experienced and give you a based idea on Uni season.

Everyone has been wondering to complete their tertiary studies in University. For me, I have chosen University of South Australia to finished my Bachelor of Nursing. Just a little of my background, I came from a high school, Saint Xavier's Institution, Penang, Malaysia. I did my STPM(form 6) and CGPA was 2.75. Anyway, i did post up "is STPM hard",the link can be my previous blog.

Basically, let me give you a few techniques of survival from your first day of uni until the last day of wearing a black square hat. Is not necessary for you to follow, but you may find them helpful (hopefully) winks winks*.

Orientation is very important to attend. Do not miss it! I know most of 21st generation youngster might overslept, but PLEASE wake up for the first day! Be excited but not anxious. Be cool but not stress.

On the very first day, you will meet many people from different countries. Stay open-minded , do not Judge others because everyone come from different background- language , religion , culture, beliefs , family. For example, on one of the orientation days, I played basketball with the others and meet even more people. Do not be proud and arrogant, just be friendly and enjoy life in Uni ;)

Next, pay very close attention to the lecturer. Listen and jot down some notes for your own references. Sometimes either you or your new friends might miss out certain details, so is very grateful to start build your friendship WISELY! You do not want to have bad companies that might misuse your friendship. Be smart ;)
If you are a christian, I encourage you to quickly attach to small group. For others, you might want to join your own religion group and actually is fine to join christian small group. I know the small group is quite friendly bunch and crazy people.

Lastly, get yourself organize and plan your timetable. We know that procrastination is a very bad habit~lah. What is transition means without any change take place? You can not TRANSIT at all! Do not worry, it will take you sometime to transit because I am in a transition mode. Have faith in all you want to do, make sure you accomplish it. Importantly, you can disappoint others, but you CAN NOT disappoint your own ability.

Cheers Mate!
Hope you enjoy reading.